library(tidyverse) library(ggplot2) Orig <- read_csv("HistoricalEval03-longform.csv") Orig # Turn Class into Factor Orig <- Orig %>% mutate(Class_Levels=as.factor(Class)) Orig # Change factor labels for plotting porpose Orig <- Orig %>% mutate(Class_Levels=recode(Class_Levels, '1'="200 level", '2'="401+461", '3'="4/5/600" )) # Combine 2007 and 2007.5 as 2007. Orig <- Orig %>% mutate(Semester=round(Semester,0)) Orig # Use aggregate for cond mean line Orig_agg <- aggregate(Rating ~ Semester + Class_Levels, data=Orig, mean) Orig_agg <- as.tibble(Orig_agg) Orig_agg # # # Scatterplot with smoothed cond mean ggplot(Orig, aes(x=Semester, y=Rating, color=Class_Levels)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(se=FALSE) + theme(legend.position="right") ggplot(Orig_agg, aes(x=Semester, y=Rating, color=Class_Levels)) + geom_point() + geom_line() + theme(legend.position="right") + ggtitle("Av Rating for each Class_Levels") # Cond mean only ggplot(Orig, aes(x=Semester, y=Rating, color=Class_Levels)) + geom_point() + geom_point(data=Orig_agg) + geom_line(data=Orig_agg,lwd=1) + theme(legend.position="right") + ggtitle("Cond mean of #19 Rating for each class offered 2007-2017") # Both combined ggplot(Orig, aes(x=Semester, y=Rating, color=Class_Levels)) + geom_jitter() + geom_point(data=Orig_agg, cex=3) + geom_line(data=Orig_agg,lwd=1) + theme(legend.position="right") + ggtitle("#19 Rating for each class offered 2007-2017 w Means for each AY. (Jittered)")