### ### Heart Data - Logistic Regression ### ver 0.0.4 ### #################################################### ###--- 0. Preliminary ###--- 1. Data Separation (Copied from Rtut-CV) ###--- 2. Logistic Regression with CV ###--- 3. Final Training/Test fit using best model ###--- 4. Determine the Best Threshold ###------------------------------------------------------- ###--- 0. Preliminary # Using Heart2 from https://nmimoto.github.io/R/heart0.txt library(tidyverse) Heart <- read_csv(file="https://nmimoto.github.io/datasets/heart.csv") # Rename medv column as resp. Heart2 <- Heart %>% select(-"index") %>% # remove col named "index" rename(resp=AHD) %>% # rename the column relocate(resp) %>% # move "resp" to 1st column mutate(resp=as.factor(resp), # Turn these columns to instead of ChestPain=as.factor(ChestPain), Thal=as.factor(Thal), Sex=as.factor(Sex), Fbs=as.factor(Fbs), RestECG=as.factor(RestECG), ExAng=as.factor(ExAng)) # Low p-value from Chi-sq test of association # 3 4 8 10 11 12 13 14 # "Sex" "ChestPain" "RestECG" "ExAng" "Oldpeak" "Slope" "Ca" "Thal" # High p-value from Chi-sq test of association # 7 # "Fbs" print(Heart2, width=1000) table(Heart2$resp) # note that first level is "No" Orig <- Heart2 #- Check for N/A in data. Remove if there's any. summary(Orig) dim(Orig) sum(is.na(Orig)) # If there is na in the data, run below dim(Orig) Orig <- Orig %>% na.omit() dim(Orig) ###------------------------------------------------------- ###--- 1. Data Separation (Copied from Ch3-Lab) # Load the file from my website source("https://nmimoto.github.io/R/ML-00.txt") # load CreateCV() # Use this function to create CV dataset CreateCV(Orig, numFolds=5, seed=5480) # Output (all as Data Frame): # Train.set Train.resp # Test.set Test.resp # CV.train[[[[k]]]] CV.train.resp[[[[k]]]] # CV.valid[[[[k]]]] CV.valid.resp[[[[k]]]] #--- 1.1 # Visualization doesn't help much any more ix_no = (Train.set$resp=="No") ix_yes = (Train.set$resp=="Yes") plot(Train.set$RestBP[ix_no], Train.set$Chol[ix_no], xlab="RestBp", ylab="Chol") lines(Train.set$RestBP[ix_yes], Train.set$Chol[ix_yes], col="red", type="p") ###------------------------------------------------------- ###--- 2. Logistic Regression with CV AUCs <- matrix(0, 5, 2) colnames(AUCs) = c("Train AUC", "Valid AUC") for (k in 1:5) { Fit00 <- glm(resp ~. , family=binomial, data=CV.train[[k]]) # <----- Change model here #- Extract fitted response (training) Train.prob =predict(Fit00, type ="response") # fitted responses #- Predict in Validation Set Valid.prob = predict(Fit00, newdata=CV.valid[[k]], type="response") #- Check the training set accuracy library(caret) library(pROC) # Train.pred = ifelse(Train.prob > threshold, "Yes", "No") # Turn the fitted values to Up/Down using threshold of .5 # Valid.pred = ifelse(Valid.prob > threshold, "Yes", "No") # CM.train <- confusionMatrix(factor(Train.pred), factor(as.matrix(CV.train.resp[[k]])), positive="Yes") # CM.valid <- confusionMatrix(factor(Valid.pred), factor(as.matrix(CV.valid.resp[[k]])), positive="Yes") AUCs[k,] <- round(c(auc(factor(as.matrix(CV.train.resp[[k]])), Train.prob, levels=c("No", "Yes")), auc(factor(as.matrix(CV.valid.resp[[k]])), Valid.prob, levels=c("No", "Yes"))), 4) } AUCs Av.AUCs = apply(AUCs, 2, mean) names(Av.AUCs) = c("Av.Train AUC", "Av.Valid AUC") Av.AUCs ### ### Make decision about best model based on Av Valid AUC ### ###---------------------------- ###--- 3. Final Training/Test fit using best model ### Best model Fit03 <- glm(resp ~ ., family=binomial, data=Train.set) summary(Fit03) ###--- Fit00 = Fit03 #- Extract fitted response (training) Train.prob =predict(Fit00, type ="response") head(Train.prob) #- Predict in Test Set Test.prob = predict(Fit00, newdata=Test.set, type="response") head(Test.prob) ###---------------------------- #- 3a Output result for given threshold value threshold = .9 # pick a threshold #- Check the training set accuracy library(caret) Train.pred = ifelse(Train.prob > threshold, "Yes", "No") # Turn the fitted values to Up/Down using threshold of .5 Test.pred = ifelse(Test.prob > threshold, "Yes", "No") CM.train <- confusionMatrix(factor(Train.pred), factor(as.matrix(Train.resp)), positive="Yes") CM.test <- confusionMatrix(factor(Test.pred), factor(as.matrix(Test.resp)), positive="Yes") CM.train # Training set result CM.train$table # output just the table CM.train[["byClass"]][["Sensitivity"]] CM.train[["byClass"]][["Specificity"]] CM.test # Testing set CM.test$table # output just the table # Test set result # Reference # Prediction No Yes # No 1437 62 [Specificity][ ] = TrueNeg / sum of col # Yes 0 1 [ ][Sensitivity] = TruePos / sum of col colSums(CM.test$table) / sum(colSums(CM.test$table)) # % of Actual Yes/No rowSums(CM.test$table) / sum(rowSums(CM.test$table)) # % of predicted Yes/No ###---------------------------- #- 3b Output ROC curve and AUC for all threshold library(pROC) #- Training Set plot.roc(factor(as.matrix(Train.resp)), Train.prob, levels=c("No", "Yes")) # point corresponding to CM.train abline(h=CM.train[["byClass"]][["Sensitivity"]], v=CM.train[["byClass"]][["Specificity"]], col="red") auc.train = auc(factor(as.matrix(Train.resp)), Train.prob, levels=c("No", "Yes")) text(.2, .2, paste("Train AUC=",round(auc.train, 3))) #- Test Set plot.roc(factor(as.matrix(Test.resp)), Test.prob, levels=c("No", "Yes")) # point corresponding to CM.test abline(h=CM.test[["byClass"]][["Sensitivity"]], v=CM.test[["byClass"]][["Specificity"]], col="red") auc.test = auc(factor(as.matrix(Test.resp)), Test.prob, levels=c("No", "Yes")) text(.2, .2, paste("Test AUC=",round(auc.test, 3))) c(auc.train, auc.test) layout(matrix(1:2, 1, 2)) plot.roc(factor(as.matrix(Train.resp)), Train.prob, levels=c("No", "Yes")) text(.2, .2, paste("Train AUC=",round(auc.train, 3))) plot.roc(factor(as.matrix(Test.resp)), Test.prob, levels=c("No", "Yes")) text(.2, .2, paste("Test AUC=",round(auc.test, 3))) layout(1) plot(AUCs[,2], col="red", ylim=c(.5,1)) lines(AUCs[,1], type="p") abline(h=auc.test) AUCs Av.AUCs c(auc.train, auc.test) ###------------------------------------------------------- ###--- 4. Determine the Best Threshold #--- Decide on Threshould penalty #cost.list = c(1,1,1,1)/4 # order of (TP, TN, FP, FN) cost.list = c(0,0,3,1)/4 # order of (TP, TN, FP, FN) #cost.list = c(0,0,1,1)/2 # order of (TP, TN, FP, FN) #cost.list = c(0,0,1,2)/3 # order of (TP, TN, FP, FN) #cost.list = c(0,0,1,3)/4 # order of (TP, TN, FP, FN) threshold.list = seq(0.01,.99,.01) # grid for threshold cost=0 library(caret) # for confusionMatrix for (i in 1:length(threshold.list)){ threshold = threshold.list[i] #- Check the training set accuracy Test.pred = ifelse(Test.prob > threshold, "Yes", "No") CM.test <- confusionMatrix(factor(Test.pred), factor(as.matrix(Test.resp)), positive="Yes") TP = CM.test$table[2,2] # True Pos TN = CM.test$table[1,1] # True Neg FP = CM.test$table[2,1] # False Pos FN = CM.test$table[1,2] # False Neg cost[i] = sum(c(TP, TN, FP, FN) * cost.list) } plot(threshold.list, cost, xlab="threshold") cost.list which.min(cost) min(cost) threshold.list[which.min(cost)]