### ### UCI Superconductivty Data Data Set ### Downloaded From: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Superconductivty+Data Data Type: multivariate Data Set Information: There are two files: (1) train.csv contains 81 features extracted from 21263 superconductors along with the critical temperature in the 82nd column, (2) unique_m.csv contains the chemical formula broken up for all the 21263 superconductors from the train.csv file. The last two columns have the critical temperature and chemical formula. The original data comes from [Web Link] which is public. The goal here is to predict the critical temperature based on the features extracted. Variable Information: Superplasticizer (component 5) -- quantitative -- kg in a m3 mixture Coarse (component 6) Coarse Aggregate -- quantitative -- kg in a m3 mixture Fine (component 7) Fine Aggregate -- quantitative -- kg in a m3 mixture ---------- library(tidyverse) DF <- read_csv("https://nmimoto.github.io/datasets/concrete.csv") DF