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1. Ex: Static 50-step AR(2) prediction

Let’s use simulated data and fit AR(2). Then we’ll forecast for 10 steps.

  set.seed(77224)                                    # set seed
  Y = arima.sim(list(ar = c(.6, .3) ), 200 ) + 22    # Simulate AR(2)

  library(forecast)                                  # install.packages("forecast")

  Fit1 = Arima(Y, order=c(2,0,0), include.mean=TRUE)   # Force to fit AR(2) w/o mean
## Series: Y 
## ARIMA(2,0,0) with non-zero mean 
## Coefficients:
##          ar1     ar2     mean
##       0.5175  0.4038  21.6454
## s.e.  0.0647  0.0651   0.7748
## sigma^2 = 0.8633:  log likelihood = -268.45
## AIC=544.9   AICc=545.11   BIC=558.09
  Y.forec  = predict(Fit1, n.ahead=10)       # 10-step prediction of AR(2)
  str(Y.forec)                               # See what's inside the forecast
## List of 2
##  $ pred: Time-Series [1:10] from 201 to 210: 22.9 23 22.9 22.8 22.8 ...
##  $ se  : Time-Series [1:10] from 201 to 210: 0.929 1.046 1.218 1.323 1.422 ...
  plot(forecast(Fit1, 50))                   # plot forecast with prediction errors

  # Short-term forecast and its forecasting error (PI)
  forecast(Fit1, 5)
##     Point Forecast    Lo 80    Hi 80    Lo 95    Hi 95
## 201       22.90607 21.71536 24.09678 21.08503 24.72711
## 202       23.02815 21.68747 24.36883 20.97775 25.07855
## 203       22.87003 21.30896 24.43110 20.48258 25.25748
## 204       22.83751 21.14163 24.53339 20.24388 25.43113
## 205       22.75682 20.93491 24.57873 19.97045 25.54319
  X = Y - Fit1$coef["intercept"]
  X201_pred = Fit1$coef[1]*X[200] + Fit1$coef[2]*X[199]
## intercept 
##  21.64538
  Y201 = Fit1$coef["intercept"] + X201_pred
## intercept 
##  22.90607
## [1] 1.821073
  # Long-term forecast and its forecasting error (PI)
  forecast(Fit1, 50)
##     Point Forecast    Lo 80    Hi 80    Lo 95    Hi 95
## 201       22.90607 21.71536 24.09678 21.08503 24.72711
## 202       23.02815 21.68747 24.36883 20.97775 25.07855
## 203       22.87003 21.30896 24.43110 20.48258 25.25748
## 204       22.83751 21.14163 24.53339 20.24388 25.43113
## 205       22.75682 20.93491 24.57873 19.97045 25.54319
## 206       22.70194 20.77994 24.62393 19.76250 25.64137
## 207       22.64095 20.63171 24.65019 19.56808 25.71382
## 208       22.58723 20.50400 24.67045 19.40121 25.77325
## 209       22.53480 20.38736 24.68225 19.25057 25.81904
## 210       22.48598 20.28291 24.68905 19.11667 25.85528
## 211       22.43954 20.18792 24.69116 18.99598 25.88310
## 212       22.39579 20.10172 24.68987 18.88730 25.90429
## 213       22.35440 20.02307 24.68574 18.78893 25.91988
## 214       22.31532 19.95122 24.67942 18.69974 25.93090
## 215       22.27838 19.88540 24.67136 18.61864 25.93812
## 216       22.24348 19.82502 24.66194 18.54476 25.94220
## 217       22.21051 19.76951 24.65150 18.47733 25.94368
## 218       22.17935 19.71842 24.64028 18.41568 25.94301
## 219       22.14991 19.67131 24.62850 18.35923 25.94059
## 220       22.12209 19.62783 24.61635 18.30745 25.93673
## 221       22.09581 19.58765 24.60397 18.25991 25.93171
## 222       22.07097 19.55047 24.59148 18.21619 25.92576
## 223       22.04751 19.51603 24.57899 18.17594 25.91908
## 224       22.02534 19.48410 24.56658 18.13885 25.91182
## 225       22.00439 19.45448 24.55430 18.10463 25.90415
## 226       21.98460 19.42696 24.54223 18.07303 25.89616
## 227       21.96589 19.40138 24.53041 18.04381 25.88798
## 228       21.94822 19.37759 24.51886 18.01678 25.87967
## 229       21.93153 19.35544 24.50761 17.99174 25.87131
## 230       21.91575 19.33480 24.49670 17.96853 25.86297
## 231       21.90084 19.31557 24.48612 17.94700 25.85468
## 232       21.88676 19.29762 24.47589 17.92702 25.84650
## 233       21.87345 19.28087 24.46603 17.90845 25.83845
## 234       21.86088 19.26523 24.45652 17.89118 25.83057
## 235       21.84900 19.25061 24.44738 17.87511 25.82288
## 236       21.83777 19.23695 24.43859 17.86016 25.81538
## 237       21.82716 19.22416 24.43016 17.84622 25.80810
## 238       21.81714 19.21220 24.42208 17.83323 25.80105
## 239       21.80767 19.20100 24.41434 17.82111 25.79423
## 240       21.79872 19.19050 24.40694 17.80980 25.78765
## 241       21.79027 19.18067 24.39987 17.79923 25.78130
## 242       21.78228 19.17145 24.39311 17.78936 25.77520
## 243       21.77473 19.16281 24.38666 17.78014 25.76933
## 244       21.76760 19.15470 24.38051 17.77151 25.76370
## 245       21.76086 19.14708 24.37464 17.76343 25.75829
## 246       21.75450 19.13993 24.36906 17.75587 25.75312
## 247       21.74848 19.13322 24.36374 17.74879 25.74817
## 248       21.74280 19.12692 24.35867 17.74215 25.74344
## 249       21.73742 19.12099 24.35386 17.73593 25.73892
## 250       21.73235 19.11542 24.34928 17.73010 25.73460
  Fit1$coef["intercept"]         # mean estimate
## intercept 
##  21.64538
  21.73235 - 1.96*sd(Y)
## [1] 17.75652
  21.73235 + 1.96*sd(Y)
## [1] 25.70818

2. Ex: Static 10-step MA(2) prediction

  set.seed(77224)                                    # set seed
  Y = arima.sim(list(ma = c(.6, .3) ), 200 ) + 8     # Simulate MA(2)

  library(forecast)                                  # install.packages("forecast")

  Fit1 = Arima(Y, order=c(0,0,2), include.mean=TRUE)   # Force to fit AR(2) w/o mean
## Series: Y 
## ARIMA(0,0,2) with non-zero mean 
## Coefficients:
##          ma1     ma2    mean
##       0.6431  0.3133  7.8680
## s.e.  0.0666  0.0662  0.1273
## sigma^2 = 0.8659:  log likelihood = -268.12
## AIC=544.23   AICc=544.44   BIC=557.43
  Y.forec  = predict(Fit1, n.ahead=10)       # 10-step prediction of AR(2)

  plot(forecast(Fit1, 10))                   # plot forecast with prediction errors

  # Short-term forecast and its forecasting error (PI)
  forecast(Fit1, 5)
##     Point Forecast    Lo 80    Hi 80    Lo 95     Hi 95
## 201       7.457452 6.264932 8.649972 5.633650  9.281254
## 202       7.534149 6.116309 8.951989 5.365750  9.702549
## 203       7.867954 6.401709 9.334200 5.625525 10.110383
## 204       7.867954 6.401709 9.334200 5.625525 10.110383
## 205       7.867954 6.401709 9.334200 5.625525 10.110383
  res = Fit1$resid
  X201_pred = Fit1$coef[1]*res[200] + Fit1$coef[2]*res[199]
  Y201 = Fit1$coef["intercept"] + X201_pred
## intercept 
##  7.457452
## [1] 1.823835
  Y201 - 1.96*sqrt(Fit1$sigma2)
## intercept 
##  5.633617
  Y201 + 1.96*sqrt(Fit1$sigma2)
## intercept 
##  9.281287
  # Long-term forecast and its forecasting error (PI)
  forecast(Fit1, 10)
##     Point Forecast    Lo 80    Hi 80    Lo 95     Hi 95
## 201       7.457452 6.264932 8.649972 5.633650  9.281254
## 202       7.534149 6.116309 8.951989 5.365750  9.702549
## 203       7.867954 6.401709 9.334200 5.625525 10.110383
## 204       7.867954 6.401709 9.334200 5.625525 10.110383
## 205       7.867954 6.401709 9.334200 5.625525 10.110383
## 206       7.867954 6.401709 9.334200 5.625525 10.110383
## 207       7.867954 6.401709 9.334200 5.625525 10.110383
## 208       7.867954 6.401709 9.334200 5.625525 10.110383
## 209       7.867954 6.401709 9.334200 5.625525 10.110383
## 210       7.867954 6.401709 9.334200 5.625525 10.110383
  Fit1$coef["intercept"]                  # mean estimate
## intercept 
##  7.867954
  Fit1$coef["intercept"] - 1.96*(1.144117)
## intercept 
##  5.625485
  Fit1$coef["intercept"] + 1.96*(1.144117)
## intercept 
##  10.11042
  # 3 ways to estimate sd of Y  (1.144)
  sd(Y)                                                # sample SD
## [1] 1.153121
  sqrt(acf(Y, type="covariance")$acf[1])               # sample ACVF(0)

## [1] 1.150234
  Fit1$sigma2* (1+Fit1$coef[1]^2 + Fit1$coef[2]^2)     # use Tho ACVF of MA(2)
##      ma1 
## 1.309005

3. Ex: Rolling 1-step prediction

Suppose you have \(X_1, \ldots, X_{180}\) to begin. - Separate \(Y_t\) into two parts. Pretend that \(X_1,\ldots, X_{100}\) is all you have, and hide the second part \(\{X_{101}, \ldots, X_{180} \}\).

  • Use \(\{X_1, \ldots, X_{100}\}\) to find fitting model. Say it was AR(2). Produce 1-step predicton \(\{ \hat X_{101}\}\)

  • Observe \(X_{101}\)

  • Use \(\{X_2, \ldots, X_{101}\}\) to re-estimate parameters of AR(2). Then produce 1-step predicton \(\{\hat X_{102}\}\)

  • Observe \(X_{102}\)

  • Use \(\{X_3, \ldots, X_{102}\}\) to re-estimate parameters of AR(2). Then produce 1-step predicton \(\{\hat X_{103}\}\)

  • Observe \(X_{103}\)

  • keep going

Always using past 100 observation (Fixed Window Size) to predict the next obervation

Fixed Start Rolling 1-step prediction will use \(\{X_1, \ldots, X_{105}\}\) to predict \(X_{106}\).

Example: Rolling 1-step prediction (Fixed Window Size, Fixed Model)

  set.seed(77224)                                             # set seed
  X  = arima.sim(list(ar = c(.6, .3)),  n=180, sd=1  )       # simulate the dataset

  X  = ts(X, start=c(432, 1), freq=7)
  X1 = window(X, end=time(X)[100], freq=7)              # cut TS to 1st 100
  X2 = window(X, start=time(X)[100], freq=7)            # last 29

  plot(X, type="o", col="red")                 # Entire dataset.
  lines(X1, type="o")                    # Pretend that black is all you have.

  Fit3 = auto.arima(X1, d=0, max.q=0)   # Find best AR(p) by AIC
## Series: X1 
## ARIMA(2,0,0) with zero mean 
## Coefficients:
##          ar1     ar2
##       0.5876  0.3392
## s.e.  0.0941  0.0962
## sigma^2 = 0.9046:  log likelihood = -136.77
## AIC=279.55   AICc=279.8   BIC=287.37
  #--- Suppose you are happy with AR(2).  Perform rolling 1-step prediction with widnow of 100 obs.
  #--- The model AR(2) is fixed as rolled, but parameters are re-estimated each time.

  #--- Rolling 1-step Prediction w/ fixed window of 100
  Y = X                   # Entire data
  window.size = 100       # Window size for estimation = c(2,0,0)     # model order

  Yhat  = Yhat.CIu = Yhat.CIl = 0        # initialize what needs to be saved
  for (i in 1:(length(Y)-window.size)) {
      # Force to fit AR(2) each time on last 100 obs.
      Fit00 = Arima( Y[i:(i+window.size-1)],     # <--- AR(2)

      Y.h  = predict(Fit00, n.ahead=1)       # one step prediction
      Yhat[i]     = Y.h$pred
      Yhat.CIu[i] = Yhat[i]+1.96*Y.h$se
      Yhat.CIl[i] = Yhat[i]-1.96*Y.h$se
  # Yhat starts at window.size+1 up to length(Y)
  Yhat     = ts(Yhat,     start=time(Y)[window.size+1], freq=frequency(Y))
  Yhat.CIu = ts(Yhat.CIu, start=time(Y)[window.size+1], freq=frequency(Y))
  Yhat.CIl = ts(Yhat.CIl, start=time(Y)[window.size+1], freq=frequency(Y))
  Y1 = window(Y, end=time(Y)[window.size],     freq=frequency(Y))
  Y2 = window(Y, start=time(Y)[window.size+1], freq=frequency(Y))

  #- Calculate prediction performance
  Pred.error = Y2 - Yhat
  Pred.rMSE =  sqrt(  mean( (Pred.error)^2 ) )     # prediction root Mean Squared Error
  c( mean(Pred.error), Pred.rMSE )                 # Av Pred Error, and pred rMSE
## [1] 0.1184882 0.9430092
  #- Plot the prediction result with original data
  layout(matrix(c(1,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,4), 3, 3, byrow=TRUE))    # 3 plots at once

  plot(  Y,  type="n")
  lines( Y1, type="o", main="Rolling 1-step prediction (Red=Actual, Blue=Prediction)" )
  lines( Y2,       type="o", col="red")
  lines( Yhat,     type="o", col="blue")
  lines( Yhat.CIu, type="l", col="gray30", lty=2)
  lines( Yhat.CIl, type="l", col="gray30", lty=2)

  # - Plot the prediction error
  plot( (window.size+1):length(Y), Pred.error, type="o", main="Prediction Error (Red-Blue)" )
  abline(h=0, lty=2)
  layout(1)                    # reset the layout